Read Thru The Word
Bible Curriculm
Christian School Curriculm

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Read Thru The Word Bible Curriculum!

Athens Christian Preparatory Academy in Athens, Texas, recently completed its third two-year cycle using Read Thru The Word Bible Curriculum for students in grades 7–12. The success of RTTW Bible Curriculum has been such that the school continues to order books as needed and use RTTW as their primary Bible curriculum.

In 2017, RTTW spent several days on the ACPA campus, where the curriculum’s success was confirmed by staff, parents, and students. Check out the videos below to see what they had to say about Read Thru The Word.

Christian School, Home School and Christian College Bible Curriculum

Bible Curriculum Grades 7–14

Over ten years in the making, Read Thru The Word Bible Curriculum offers students and teachers a different approach to the study of the Bible. Students actually read through the entire Bible, cover-to-cover, over the course of two full school years. They accomplish this during class time. There is minimal, but meaningful homework on rare occasions. Read Thru The Word is a chronological, cover-to-cover, book-by-book, non-topical survey of the entire Old and New Testaments. It is based upon a simple premise:

At the earliest possible time after students have learned to read, when their ability to comprehend the literal sense of the narrative of the Holy Scriptures has somewhat developed, and before teaching specific doctrines or Bible books in depth, they should be exposed to and challenged by the entire Word of God from Genesis through Revelation.

Read Thru The Word is designed to be used as . . .

  • junior high Bible curriculum
  • high school Bible curriculum
  • homeschool Bible curriculum, and
  • college level Bible curriculum.

It can be adapted for each of these levels, including for Bible colleges and seminaries, enabling students of all ages to make significant gains in Bible knowledge.

Key Objectives for Students

  1. Gain an overall familiarity with the entire Bible

  2. Lay the foundation to know and understand the Gospel, and experience personal salvation

  3. Form a framework for understanding the great themes of both Old and New Testaments

  4. Build upon the faith of the born again student the essential knowledge which every believer should be given early in his or her Christian walk

  5. Read through the entire Bible during grades 7 and 8 - or any two succeeding grade levels

  6. Leap victoriously over a high hurdle at a time in life when the student has the time and needs the exposure to the entire Word of God.